In this episode, Sophia sits down with Sammi Berkowitz, who is an intuitive eating dietician. She works with people who are suffering from eating disorders, disordered eating, or chronic dieting. A field of work that Sammi was partly drawn to because of the body image issues she experienced.

She explains how to start eating what your body really needs and doing so at the times it wants you to eat and how to stop feeling guilt or shame about your diet. They also discuss breaking the cycle of chronic dieting, disordered eating, body image issues, and tackling eating disorders.

There is more to food than just nutrition. Eating plays several important roles in our lives.

  • Intuitive Eating is a 10-principal framework that helps people reconnect with their bodies and start eating in a way that fulfills their body´s real needs.

  • Society tends to dictate when we eat and what a healthy weight is.

  • The focus is on nutrition and well-being, not weight.

  • You can enjoy all kinds of foods.

  • Being too rigid sucks the joy out of food.

  • There is a difference between eating disorders and disordered eating, which is explained in the episode.

  • Being happy with your body is not all about how you look. Sammi shares several tips to help you be more comfortable with your body image.

  • Think rationally about clothing sizes. Sometimes it is the cut, rather than the size that is not working for you.


‘Intuitive eating brings us back to what our body needs.’

‘You're able to go enjoy ice cream with your partner, and not feel any guilt.’

‘Weight loss programs tend to create a false promise.’

‘Buy clothes that fit.’


Why Your New Years Diet Failed


Exploring Intuitive Eating